Richard Zach is logician working at the University of Calgary (Canada) where he is Professor of Philosophy. He works on the history of logic, the philosophy of logic and mathematics, and mathematical logic. He has used the Open Logic Text in a course on Intermediate Logic at McGill University, and in all intermediate and advanced logic courses at the University of Calgary. He’s mainly to blame for the typesetting and publishing setup of the OLT, and has contributed to most sections of the text.
Editors and Contributors
Andrew Arana is a logician working at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) where he is maître de conférences (associate professor) of philosophy. He works on the history and philosophy of mathematics and logic. At Paris 1 his logic teaching includes model theory, philosophy of logic, and elementary logic. In his previous appointment as Associate Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and at other institutions he has taught logic at many different levels as well.
Jeremy Avigad is a logician at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is Professor of Philosophy and Mathematical Sciences. He works in mathematical logic, history and philosophy of mathematics, and formal verification. At Carnegie Mellon, he teaches logic to students in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy, from undergraduate freshmen to advanced graduate students. Sections on computability and incompleteness are based on his notes.
Tim Button is Lecturer at University College London. He works in logic, mathematics, language. He is the author, with Sean Walsh, of Philosophy and Model Theory. Much of the material on set theory is based on his Open Set Theory textbook.
Walter Dean is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick (UK). He works in philosophy of mathematics, mathematical and philosophical logic, theoretical computer science, and the philosophy and history of computation. He regularly teaches intermediate and advanced undergraduate logic.
Gillian Russell is Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She writes on the philosophy of language and the philosophy of logic, and often teaches advanced logic courses to philosophers.
Nicole Wyatt is a philosopher working at the University of Calgary, where she is also Head of the Department of Philosophy. She works on the philosophy of logic and language, as well as the history of computational theory. She regularly teaches Logic II, as well as Philosophy of Logic, at Calgary. She has used the Open Logic Text twice in Logic II, and contributed material to the sections on first-order logic and Turing computability.
Audrey Yap is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Victoria (Canada). She works in epistemic logic, history and philosophy of mathematics, and more recently in feminist epistemology. She teaches logic from the intro level onward.
In Memoriam
Aldo Antonelli was one of the early contributors to the Open Logic Project. Much of the material on model theory, propositional logic, axiomatic proof systems, and modal logic is based on his lecture notes. Aldo was a first-rate logician, who worked on non-monotonic logic, modal logic, Frege, generalized quantifiers, and abstraction principles. At UC Davis he taught logic throughout the curriculum, from introductory courses to graduate seminars. He died unexpectedly on October 11, 2015.
Student Assistants
Samara Burns graduated with BA Honours and MA degrees in philosophy from the University of Calgary, and is now a PhD student at Columbia University. Her research interests include formal logic (especially proof theory) and the philosophy of logic. She authored or contributed to several sections of the Open Logic text, including chapters on natural deduction, axiomatic deduction, and Turing machines.
Dana Hagg graduated from the University of Calgary with distinction with a B.Sc. in Pure Mathematics and a minor in philosophy in 2015, and is currently studying law. She was a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for three years and the Peer Assisted Study Session Leader twice for Logic II, using Open Logic in her second semester in that position. Dana worked on OLT for two summers through funding from NSERC and the Department of Philosophy. She is now a lawyer.
Zesen Qian is a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon Univerity. He is interested in the connection between type theory and intuitionistic logic, and applying this connection to improve the process of software development. When still an undergraduate student in computer science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, he was a MITACS Globalink during the 2016 summer, and contributed several chapters including untyped lambda calculus and intuitionistic logic.
Introducing: The Open Logic Project | Richard Zach
[…] source advanced logic textbook for a little while; Andy Arana and Gillian Russell are also on the editorial board. It’s far from done; in fact the whole idea is that it will never be done. But, as they say, […]